About My First Book Horizons and How to Order

Introducing My First Poetry Book, "Horizons"

  My first poetry book, Horizons (Atmosphere Press)  AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK AND AUDIOBOOK NOW!! SEE BELOW TO ORDER!!!! Embark on a captivat...

Monday, August 17, 2020

Breakup: A Villanelle

 Having a little fun with the villanelle form:

She said, “Never again

will you be anything

I need.”  To get out of here


is all I can think of

if she really meant that thing

she said.  “Never!”  Again,


I think of our love

and there must be something

I need to get.  “Out of here


I can rise above

like a bird on a wing,”

she said.  Never again


seeing my little dove?

And to do?  There’s nothing

I need to.  “Get out of here.”


It’s as if she gives me a shove

and my heart can no longer sing.

She said, “Never again.”

I need to get out of here.



Tansy Julie Soaring Eagle Paschold

August 16, 2020