About My First Book Horizons and How to Order

Introducing My First Poetry Book, "Horizons"

  My first poetry book, Horizons (Atmosphere Press)  AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK AND AUDIOBOOK NOW!! SEE BELOW TO ORDER!!!! Embark on a captivat...

Monday, February 19, 2024

Change is Hard: a poem


Change is Hard


When I have to repaint the boards
of my picnic table,
I need to scrape the old
peeling paint off first.
If you are going through
a painful or confusing
period of your life,
maybe you are like the
picnic table,
getting rid of the old flaking paint.
Scraping can hurt.
But think of it this way:
you are getting ready
for a new, beautiful


Tansy Julie the Soaring Eagle Paschold
