How to Order Horizons

How to Order Horizons

  Horizons: Poetry by Julie S. Paschold W inner of the 2024 Nebraska Book Award (Design Honor Category) AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK AND AUDIOBOOK...

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Sacred Interruptions


Sacred Interruptions

--to the Rise Collective



Sacred spaces lit by the jewel
of a dragonfly wing,
supplied by Mother Nature herself,
interrupted only by the babbling
of the stones under current of water.

Sacred spaces of our creation,
whirring of fan blowing spirits of the past,
these winged blades of air
bearing their weightless support
yearning to yield pain to peace,
scream to smile, anxiety and anger
to aimless meanderings.

Can anywhere become sacred upon
our blessing and amiable ambiance,
upon the releasing of expectations
and stressful resentments and anger
that create separation?


Sacred moments when weary
becomes rest, when serenity inter-
rupts our strained stress and
allows us breath, when we read
and touch the divine, souls near



If to be sacred is to be dedicated,
to be protected, to be devoted
to a purpose, if we are helping another
to become secure, if we are reaching out
to aid in a being’s wellness,
are we not doing something sacred?



If to be sacred is to be secured
against violation, as by sense of right;
if to be sacred is to be properly immune
from violence and inviolable…
should not all beings be treated as sacred?
Should not all neighbors be souls to aid?
Who are we to bring animosity to another?



If we look at every person,
every animal, every plant,
every thing on this earth,
every stone, particle of soil,
hypha of fungi, molecule of air
as having the potential to change
and therefore living in spirit
and soulful, then sparking
in a godly way, how can we not
see ourselves in a web of endless
spirituality and having the potential
of simmering in sacredness?



Twice I have floated above the earth
and lost time. I was in the center
of a labyrinth, seated cross-legged
on stepping stones placed in the soil.
One of these times, my twin was seated
next to me. We floated together,
as close as we once were in the womb.
I felt the universe and the emptiness
was full of enough love for all.
For everything and everyone.



How, then, do we make these moments,
these places sacred in our lives?

How do we interrupt
the chaos
with the divine?


by Julie S. Paschold
aka Tansy Julie the Soaring Eagle


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