One Year of Horizons SPECIAL!

One Year of Horizons!

 December 1, 2024: Celebrating one year of  Horizons!!!  Horizons is now one year old! And to celebrate this anniversary, if you PM me, I wi...

Friday, March 11, 2022

I am: a poem

 I am

            drinking in tendrils

            of serenity

            that squeeze between

            the stones of stridence

            in my mind.


I am

            slurping swirls

            of sunshine

            that sing beyond

            the stars of darkness

            in my eyes.


I am

            tasting dewdrops

            of tenderness

            that slide from under

            the tension

            in my toes.


I am

            sipping drizzles

            of a dawning day

            that emerge from

            yesterday’s ashes

            on my lips.


I am

            swallowing spirals

            of inspiration

            that rise behind

            the dried grasses of dullness

            between my fingers.


I am

            guzzling whorls

            of energizing life

            that seep above

            the dying shards of emptiness

            in my heart.



I am


            aiming to thrive

            despite the friction

            of desolation

            and madness

            that threatens

            to overtake

            and absorb

            my every being.


March 11, 2022

Tansy Julie Soaring Eagle Paschold

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