How to Order Horizons

How to Order Horizons

  Horizons: Poetry by Julie S. Paschold W inner of the 2024 Nebraska Book Award (Design Honor Category) AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK AND AUDIOBOOK...

Monday, August 17, 2020

Breakup: A Villanelle

 Having a little fun with the villanelle form:

She said, “Never again

will you be anything

I need.”  To get out of here


is all I can think of

if she really meant that thing

she said.  “Never!”  Again,


I think of our love

and there must be something

I need to get.  “Out of here


I can rise above

like a bird on a wing,”

she said.  Never again


seeing my little dove?

And to do?  There’s nothing

I need to.  “Get out of here.”


It’s as if she gives me a shove

and my heart can no longer sing.

She said, “Never again.”

I need to get out of here.



Tansy Julie Soaring Eagle Paschold

August 16, 2020