My first blog on what will probably be a medley of subjects, everything from motherhood to marriage to unexpected happenings in life to morality to cooking to creating to reading to health.
First, in the past ten months, I have been awaiting a full remodeling of our only full bathroom. No, the contractor isn't messing up and hasn't quit...he's my hubby, who works overtime as a carpenter (slash do whatever his boss says to fix or build whatever is needed) and then needs to come home and do more of the same. Reminscences of a cobbler and his children having no shoes.
My daughter and I planned the color scheme years ago, and the project went from a simple plumbing redo (IS there such a thing as a simple plumbing job?) to a complete, I do not enjoy waterfalls of toilet water in my dining room.
Now, I chastise my hubby and complain that I've been able to grow a human being in less time than he has had to finish this bathroom--and believe me, I've been quite grumpy about it. There's only so long I can shower in a basement stall created out of pvc, plastic shower curtains, and a cheap board. I will report that, as of a couple weeks ago, we were able to poo, lave, and shower in the same room--toilet, sink, and tub are functional--though the toilet handle falls off, no woodwork is finished, and some areas of the wall need to be "unlumped". Painting isn't finished yet, so our neat trio of lime, lemon, and orange is merely insanely bright lime green walls and an orange bath mat.
But complain as I do, it can't be as bad as in our other house, when my hubby was (finally) finishing our entryway (because we had to put it on the market in order to move...). He fondly put up the drywall, splayed mud on the cracks, and proceeded to sand the drywall mud with items still in the entryway--including my wedding dress!!! (though it WAS boxed and packaged already....)
I am absolutely ecstatic that I can shower and pee on the same floor level that I sleep and dress--but am looking more forward to when this project is completed--when I can work my painting magic on the walls--
and my hubby can then work on the peeling dining room ceiling that has been discolored all the six years of us living there.
Oh, and did I mention the plaster crumbling from behind the unfinished tile backsplash of the kitchen?
Or the open spots in our kitchen cupboards where errant pasta pieces and small kittens are lost?
I used to have a sign joking about "This house isn't under construction, kids just live here" but in all honesty, it isn't that kids live in our house that makes it so "undone" so to say. It's because (God bless him) my hubby lives here!!!
Welcome to all! I write my blogs on a medley of subjects, in poem and essay form. You are welcome to comment in the sections provided below. As you see to the right, there are many blogs, so feel free to go back in time a bit. Here you will also find information on my poetry books, "Horizons" and "You Have Always Been Here", and how to find my poetry readings.
How to Order Horizons
How to Order Horizons
Horizons: Poetry by Julie S. Paschold W inner of the 2024 Nebraska Book Award (Design Honor Category) AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK AND AUDIOBOOK...